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Awiese's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Awiese's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

OK, yes people are still going to do it while it is illegal, but we still need to be able to enforce legal repercusions on people doing it that get caught.

1 point

There is no way it could be controlled and made profitable to the country. It could only harm the country and it would be way to risky to try. There would always be cartels and dealers. You can't make the situation work. It would also add to the driving nder the influence and add to more deaths.

1 point

That is not true, it is a couple times a month and it isn't bad for your lungs maybe but it still fries your brain, so i'm pretty sure its not good for you.

1 point

Many people died travelling out west and then when they got there there wasnt the much gold and people were killing each other over it.

1 point

I believe that it should remain illegal, it would truely do the country no good to the government to do and cost them tons of money.

1 point

Do you believe that marijuana should be legallized? What are your reasons for wanting it legalized and will it help anybody besides potheads?

1 point

Alot different, food wasn't safe and the only way you could maybe trust it was if you were friends with the butcher and he didnt want you dead. Otherwise it was really dangerous.

1 point

Exactly, People for some reason have an urge to make fun of groups or races. They just have so vendeta against people and hate them.

1 point

They have proof of many forged signatures, and signatures from minors that don't count, there are also signatures from people that are from out of state.

1 point

People need rights, we are all equal and should be treated as so, not everyone needs to be shown who is boss my friend.

1 point

Soon as we started taking colonies then we thought that everyone wanted us to go into their country and help them with there problem when they truely didn't.

1 point

Certain african tribes were hired by the spainish to capture other africans from other tribes and sell them to them for very little money and they would take the africans over on the boats to america.

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