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ZackBradley's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of ZackBradley's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

You are just going to say "that sucks"? We the workers work so hard for your buisness to be succeful, if it were not for us your buisness would be trash.

1 point

I am for it because it shows that you are atleast getting paid how ever much. But I also think that the wage should be much more money. We work our butts off for these companies and I think we should get paid a decent amount, to feed us and our family plus provide clothing and shelter.

1 point

For one thing we would be working 8 hours a day not a week. Plus your not going to lose that much money with 20 less hours. Us workers have family's that we want to spend time with. You would probably have less problems with workers on your hands if you give us more time off.

2 points

I think we should, because family's would have more time together, and there would be less strikes. Its only 20 hours shorter so companies would still make enough products so it would keep running. As you can see it would benefit everybody, family's would have more time together, and companies would still be selling just as much products.

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