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This personal waterfall shows you all of Tiara's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Don't you have to say your name and where you are from when you vote, so they would know if you vote more than once

0 points

I think that there shouldn't be voter ID laws because some of the laws are strict, so they are taking the right away from the people that don't have say for instance a drivers license.

1 point

For the Iraq reconstruction they had more than one group to help with it.

1 point

That is true, I think that is right, but people would have to go through a lot of work to copy and get their own picture on there

1 point

Since the goal of the reconstruction was to get the United States back to one, and it was a success because today it is a one.

1 point

I also think it is true, but there are still some wars going on

1 point

Today there isn't a lot of fighting, so that's another reason why it is a success

1 point

It was a success at first because it helped everyone, but towards the end it wasn't.

1 point

I think that you are right because I don't think that people would want to go to a different town to vote, and then that person would have to use a different name, so I think they would easily get caught if they tried to vote more than once

1 point

Are'nt you taking away voters rights for the people that don't have a photo ID like a drivers license?

1 point

I think that a birth cirtificate or a certificate saying that you are a US citizen should be good enough, because some people don't have a drivers license

1 point

I think we need voter ID laws so that people don't try to be someone else, or use some other persons identity to vote. If there is the picture ID then the person can see if it looks like the person voting, it would probably be easier. and I think that voter ID is an easier way to see if people are legal

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