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ScarletS's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of ScarletS's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

But if they don't regulate it at all, hackers could easily get into our bank accounts and steal our money, also people could get into important government information.

1 point

I agree because I wouldn't want all of my personal information leaking out. But also I think that if the government regulated the internet it wouldn't stop there, they would keep putting restrictions on things and it would get out of control.

1 point

Yeah, but also we need to make sure that hackers can't get into our personal information like bank accounts and important information.

1 point

I think the Government should regulate the internet a little because we don’t want people to be able to hack into our important files like bank accounts, and military information. But not too much because we don't want the government to control us completely.

1 point

I think the Government should regulate the internet because we don’t want people to be able to hack into our important files like bank accounts, and military information.

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