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RachelRiot's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of RachelRiot's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

If they would allow Marijuana, it would help so much with the goverment with the debt. Along with maybe open up other doors to possiblities we've never tought of. I don't see why we can't try it.

1 point

If everyone has the big american dream, why is it that no one is dreaming anymore. This country has gotten more agressive with money and power. I think the people of America should have a voice and the president listen, form a plan, then get back to us.

1 point

Should the goverment really have control over our freedom of speech? censoring the enternet is censoring what you think and youre own freedom of speech!

1 point

MTV did a thing on Made where they took guys who had turned 18 but charged as a child sex offender because there girlfriends were under the age of 18. After being charged at that for 2 years, they went to court and got the charges dropped. Do you think someone charged with that should have the charges ever dropped?

1 point

Should schools have a blocking system so all phone signals are out of service? I don't think it should if something were to happen in the buliding. On the other hand chances of a serious life threatening situation happen are very low.

1 point

Do you think the enternet should be censored? I don't think it should, if you don't like a site then you shouldn't have an account on there.

1 point

Tumblr asked me yesterday if I wanted to shut down my blog for the day in protest against SOPA so I did, other sites asked you to leave a comment to your sennitor. What they put in fine print is that if you use any type of prophanity you can get into serious troublel. You think they will actually do something about the angery words of the public?

1 point

you think SOPA will be passed? According to CNN they are losing support in passing the bill.

1 point

With war came along allies. If we didn't have allies some of our resources and protection would be taken away. I don't think it's good to have an allies. Personally if we mess up in a war and get another country involved we might be screwed because of there allies. War is a tricky and is full of strageys but why rely on a another country to have you back at times when one day they could decide they no longer want to take part in a what we have to offer.

1 point

When the union formed it was for the workers, but now they are like any big company trying to make as much money for themselves instead of trying to do what's best for people with goverment jobs. A bill passed about collective bargining, so the union had to work more. You think there is a way to make the Union let the workers have a bigger voice?

1 point

What if in the begining we all advanced the same way. Like if the indians went about there lives as the english, we all advance at the same pace. Then what would of happened when enlgish saught free land and adventuring to find almost the same life style in america.

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