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1 point

I could also say that prohibition does not work, because we should just leave people's lives alone. If that is how they want to live their life, then fine. I know there is going to be people who will be influenced by their brothers or sisters or peers because they do it, but I'm pretty sure there are many role models out there to show that there are healthier ways too. Prohibition will only cause more theft and problems. It'll probably be a better way to gain the y'know "ka-ching$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$", but I'm also pretty sure that there are other ways to have money. I go for both sides. So uhh I don't know.

1 point

there is no Right or Wrong Side of prohibition, basically what I'm trying to say,

1 point

I go for both, because prohibition does work to some extent untill people start going crazy to do illegal things.

1 point

Even if the U.S. went to war early or late, we still will gain hatred from many countries. We still would have lost those who sacrfised their lives.

1 point

I agree 100%. It get's me so upset when no one is keeping their words.


I know there are many out there also though who are trying their best to acomplish things to prove everyone wrong, because it takes many years or even hundreds or more for amazing things to happen. Many times our miracle we need does not happen easily, because everyone is putting everyone else down saying you can't do it. Then there goes bye bye to your american dream over and over again.

1 point

They left their country for many reasons.

-some were to travel to the end of the world and hit some kind of black wall to say "hey guys! I found where the Earth Ends! This world is Flat!"

-finding gold

-finding resources

-claiming a land

-religous reasons


1 point

No they should not have control over our freedom of speech. The society helped bring where we are today with just words and words. Without "us" there would have been no good working conditions. Without "us" there would have been more racism to this day. Without "us" women would have never had the same rights as men. Without "us" there would have been diseases from here and there. Without "us" this world would have already been corrupted.

The government has the powers, but we also need the power to direct the governements by telling them as "one" that sometimes they don't always do good things.

1 point

We got better working conditions, because the government now actually checks what business are putting in their products. We also got better pay.

1 point

We know that everything we do in life is polluting the Earth.

Yes It's True We Can't "Stop" Polluting, but we can at least "Reduce" it so the Earth can at least heal itself.

1 point

No we did not choose a "right" side, because to be honest there is no right side if you think fighting will solve everything. I mean I know we had to enter in the war sooner or later, because we are allianced with other countries too. But "alliancing" should not always mean you hit my friend I hit yours.

1 point

I don't know what Manifest Destiny is. Tell me first, then I'll answer your question (:

2 points

I agree because it was not fair of the business owners to operate in that way.

2 points

To be honest, I think that it didn't matter whether the U.S. went into war early or not because none of that would have occured "anyway" if it weren't for those cocky nationalists who had like alliances all over the place saying you hurt my friend I hurt yours.

1 point

It is great. This made a big change to the whole society and even if there were no medician, it helped save many lives. It saved the lives of others because there was no more spoiling and rotting food that was spread from one place to another like before.

1 point

I agree. In U.S. History my role before, as a Business Owner, would have dispute this, but now this is in my side of the opinion. I actually disliked being the Business Owner and the controlling of everything because for a person like me would get really stressed. I would have gave the job to someone else and lived on my own little farm. I know the families struggled a lot too, but it's hard to help every single family out even if you'r a big company. There are so many people out there in need of help, but that money could be lost so easily even if it's a little. It's like telling 1 million people to hand out to me one dollor each. Yay I'm rich.

1 point

I know, but it's not much of a reasoning. For me I look at every person differently. Most people look at things as groups and judge it as it is.

It's like saying "Oh you dyed your hair black and wear dark clothing, you're emo now." Maybe that person liked wearing that way and isnt emo. I find that unfair for others.

People did not choose their own skin color or their culture. The only thing they had to do was accept themselves for who they are.

Judging Is An Option.

Choosing Who You Want To Be Is Not. It's Not Their Fault.

1 point

I agree with this because the only cause of this is because everyone is so Biased. No one is neutral. I find it disrespectful how no one listens to each other. It starts out very little and then a few more gather and form groups "Just Becaus They Have Very Similar Opinions". Once the groups become larger, like the countries for instance, the people who disagrees, becomes irritated and backstab each other, and that is how a War is started.

1 point

We evolved a lot from our history. What do you think will change when it's the year 5012? Will there ever be flying cars? Will our history still be kept nicely and inpact? Will there be new species? Will we be able to find another earth planet and fly there easily? Will the earth not even exist anymore? Will the new generations help our society to be a better place? Will we be in war again? Will there be a World War 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and so on? Will Plymouth still be here? What do you think?

1 point

A lot of people are disscusing about if racism still really exists, and it does. So why do people discriminate others though? I can understand it's because of their skin color, but if that's all people can really answer with then I say that it's a fail.

1 point

Do you think Obama is going to fix the economy? When do you think we'll ever be out of debt? Does the Military play a big role of making the U.S. in debt? How can we even fix this?

1 point

I know this is a bit old news, but I'd like to express my opinion on this kind of topic, because I believe that your gender and sex interest should not be be be discriminated when entering the military. These people are sacrifising their lives for you people, and yet you're crying and whining and wasting your time on passing a bill whether to allow gays into the military?

1 point

Welcome to Reality. There are many people out there who are still racists or discriminate others. It's not fair. Some people think they aren't racists and discriminating but mostly half of the time they are the ones who start it.

1 point

The main purose of this happening was because the U.S. wanted land and the natural resources and even the Yellow Journalists knew. It's pretty obvious enough that they were clearly not fighting for "justice and freedom" but planning on pointing fingers just so they can get what they want.

1 point

We are imperialistic. It all started because of the Yellow Journalists. They don't have specific information and all it is, is basically lies. Those lies are to make our country sound better and stronger. It wasn't just imperialistic but nationalism.

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