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Miske's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Miske's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

the government helps keep most of the people who hack other people away and they also think they should have limits on how many ads there are on the intenet.

-R.I.P (Redneck In Paridise) J.W-

1 point

we need some privacy on what we put on are facebook wall or any information and they should make the internet faster cuz its really slow.

-R.I.P (Redneck In Paridise)- J.w-

1 point

the president is not allowed to veto anything he wants he has to get the laws past through the three branches of government

0 points

all branches are equal none rules or another so therefore the president cant either way

1 point

and if we dont have a constitution what will are government depend on

1 point

From an anti federalists point of veiw- the constitution gave to much power to the national government at the expence of the state government.

From a fedralists point of veiw-the separation of powers into three independent branches protected the rights of the people. each branch represents a diffrent aspect of the people, and because all three branches are equal, no one group can assume control over another.

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