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This personal waterfall shows you all of MicaylaAnn's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

There have been almost 9.5 million marijuana arrests in the United States since 1995. One person is arrested for marijuana every 36 seconds. About 89% of all marijuana arrests are for possession – not manufacture or distribution. If people are getting arrested for possession of marijuana every 36 seconds I personally don't think prohibition is working properly.

1 point

Marijuana was first prohibited in 1937. Today, between 95 and 100 million Americans admit to have trying it. A study in December 2006 found that marijuana is the new leading cash crop in the US exceeding the value of corn and wheat combined. Obviously prohibition is NOT working.

1 point

Since we were little we learned that drugs are bad. They are bad for you, they affect your body and your mind. Also, they are a waste of money.

1 point

i agree with you Tom. Other countries can live the way THEY want to. We have no right to tell them how they should or should not live. It is not our responsiblity to. We live the way we live. They live the way they live. Thats that.

1 point

That gave us an ego, thinking we were the best and better than other countries because we could fight them. First of all, that isn't right in any way. We have no right to brag about the way we live.

1 point

Imperialism, just like everything else, has its goods and its bads. It did help us in many ways but it also gave us an ego. Where we think that we are better than other countries just because of the way we live. Everyone lives differently Everyone IS different. Period.

1 point

The factories were unsanitary, dangerous, and unfit for children as young as 7 working there. Machines caused injuries all the time, and the owners wouldn't pay to get them fixed so more and more injuries and deaths occured. Besides the unsaftey of the factores children also had to work crazy hours with little to no pay at all. It was overall bad.

1 point

I agree. The war ended slavery and gave people the rights they deserved. But there still was racism afterwords. But at least they had some rights, and eventually they had all there rights. I guess it just took awhile for them to get all the rights.

1 point

I understand that you put this to start a debate. But I think racism is wrong. Who says the way they look or act is not "normal". It isn't. There is no deffinition of being "normal" everyone is different. Everyone looks different. The sooner we realize this the better off we will all be.

1 point

It was gross, not to mention completely unsanitary. They used spoiled animals and vegetables to make food. They smoked while working, there was guts all over the place. They didn't have appropriate clothes on. The "Federal Meat Inspection Act" changed all of this.

1 point

I agree, it was not beneficial at all. We spent so much money on the war. Also, so many people died fighting this war. Family members lost their loved ones during this war, how would that be beneficial at all?

1 point

I agree, pretty soon computers are going to be able to do everything and people and workers won't be needed. Which means we will not get paid so we will not have money. But I also think is is in the far into the future. Yes computers get enhanced almost everyday but it will definitely take awhile before it will be able to do everything people can do.

1 point

I think it was wrong to invade and take PEOPLE who are the exact same as us out of their homes and forced them to be slaves. They split up families, people died or were serverly injured. It was all wrong. There was nothing good about having slaves. It was just lazy people who had money and thought they could do what they wanted just because of that.

1 point

Racism, has been, will be, and will always be a problem wherever we go. No matter what we do or say people will continue to judge people who are different than them. As sad as it is, I don't think there is really anything we can do or say to fix this problem.

1 point

I agree 100%. Who are we to tell other countries how to live. Before we can work on other peoples problems we NEED to work on our OWN. Also, if they want our help and we are nice enough to help them out we should. If they do NOT want our help we should respect that and leave them alone. We are not "in charge" of other countries. We have no business trying to force them to live like us. Because, in fact, we have problems of our own. They have their own culture and way of living, we need to respect that.

1 point

Yes the positive was there were more jobs for people to have to try and earn some money. But I personally believe that the negative over-rulled the positive. The negative was that children of all ages had to work these crazy long hours with little to no pay at all. There were so many accidents on machines and children got hurt. And worst of all, the owners wouldn't pay to fix the machine so more and more kids were more likely to get injured or killed.

1 point

I agree. the newspaper did anything to sell papers and make money for themselves without realizes the consenquences of their actions. They lied and, yes, they basically started a whole new war without even realizing it. I agree, Vivien, they should have just reported the FACTS.

1 point

I agree. There are things that support both ends of the arguement. But in some cases aboration is neccesary for the health of the mother. Or, for example, if the woman was raped and got pregnant...she should have a choice on wether or not she keeps the baby. But overall it is the mothers choice. I personally think that every baby deserves to live, if you don't want to be a mother there is ALWAYS adoption.

1 point

The progessive era changed a lot of things. One important thing was the sanitary of our meat industries. Back them there were no sanitary precautions. People would smoke in the place, never wash their hands, never wear appropriate clothing. Now, everything is made sure to be kept sanitary.

1 point

I agree with you. I don't think it will ever end completely. People these days are, yes, more "tolerant" to other kind of races but you still judge them without even thinking. It is like a reflex to judge people right as you see them. Which, of course, is so wrong. And yes people sometimes don't like people JUST because of the color of your skin. To me that seems so ridiculous.

1 point

Yes we were trying to "help" other countries. But not every country wanted our help. So we shouldn't push them to want our help. If they want our help then sure we can help them, otherwise we should mind our own business. Also, i think we should worry about getting all OUR stuff figured about before we go and help other countries.

1 point

I agree, this movie definitely showed the audience that the war was hard and brutal. Also, you could tell that they had NO idea why they were even fighting. They were handed a gun and a uniform and fought with no purpose at all. I agree with you on the part of the revenge. I think that was there only reason for fighting. Revenge. To me, that doesn't seem like such a good reason to kill many people.

1 point

Did Racism end after Barack Obama became president?

I think it may of been a step in a good direction but i don't think it ended racism.

1 point

I agree with you Austin. You see it everywhere. Once you see someone of the other race (black, muslim, etc.) You automatically judge them when they could be the nicest people you could meet. I think movies, tv shows are somewhat to blame. Our veiws of these other races, i think, come from movies and tv shows. The "druggies" in movies are normally black people from a neighborhood. And the terrorists in movies and shows are from the middle east.

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