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MaryAddy12's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of MaryAddy12's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

My final satement is that the government should find a way to control whats being uploaded to the internet that doesn't take away are freedom and rights.

1 point

I ment to say..How does one track something on the internet??

1 point

Is there a way to track what people are doing on the internet without using a webcam.

2 points

Yes, Morgan I agree with you as well. You would think there would be a way to track the people that are doing bad things on the internet.

2 points

I agree with Abby completley! The government should control the things that are uploaded on to the computer.

1 point

No, they shouldn't control are internet because It's our privacy. People do terrible stuff on the internet that is inappropraite but thats their choice, I think it's wrong but what about freedom?

1 point

I think that if I was an anti federalist I would have passed the constitution because it keeps our government in line and gives the states enough power so the anti federalists are happy.

2 points

I think that they should pass the contitution, because it gives us equal power and we need to be balnced out.

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