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This personal waterfall shows you all of MarkNovak's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Lets say that the government decides to legalize pot. now people no longer have the need to be in possession of ridiculous amounts of the once illegal substance, they can just grow a small amount of their own, because it is no longer necessary to hide pot farms. You might be wondering why im such an advocate of legalizing pot, but its because the only reason it is now illegal is because tobacco companies didnt want people smoking something other than tobacco. And to me, tobacco is much more disgusting than pot.

2 points

right. of all the things the government is spending useless money on, this isnt the only ridiculous example.

4 points

its true, drugs ruin your body and your mind, but its nothing thats threat to the government or the general public. if someone thinks its worth it to do drugs (provided that it doesnt harm other people) they should be legally allowed to do that to themself.

5 points

Legalizing marijuana would not increase violence. marijuana is fairly easy to grow at home, and believe it or not, it grows everywhere. But i do agree with you that there should be restrictions about age associated with marijuana.

1 point

Like I said above, explain to me one thing he has done for the state, and why it is good. There are way too many people who think he is good, but can't explain why they think he is good.

1 point

It would be like eating spam at every meal. have you ever had spam? its canned meat, in case you didnt know.

1 point

I think that the guy is a jackhole. I think right now he's trying to set things up to make it easier for large businesses and fat cats to make more money, taking advantage of the middle class. You may know more than me at this point, but I challenge you to explain one good thing he has done and how it is good for the state.

1 point

A lot of modern nations, china is a good example, have not had a progressive movement. Their government is not oriented on the well being of middle and lower classes as the united states. That being said, our government is starting to revert and begin to favor the upper class citizens.

1 point

The renaissance was when people came out of the dark ages, and finally started to ask what was over the hedge, in more than just a geographical way. The age of exploration started to happen when people decided that it wasn’t really possible for you to fall off the edge of the earth. If this had never happened, it might have been quite a bit longer before people discovered that there was an entire continent on the other half of the world. And this would mean that Americans might not have been angered by unfair tax policies, and we might still be a colony of a European nation today, provided that things went better than they actually did in history.

1 point

Exactly. Its like imperialism without killing people. Its an example of how interfering in some world affairs can be beneficial to everyone involved in the long run.

1 point

Yeah. I dont think that pulitzer and other journalists had bad intentions, they just didnt realize the impact that public sensationalism would have on world affairs.

1 point

If people think abortion is okay, or if they dont, I think it is their business and I dont think the government should interfere unless theres someone who has way too many abortions over and over again.

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