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This personal waterfall shows you all of Lizzabella's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I don't think you should need a voter I.D. or I also think you do.It shouldn't matter your age,race, gender or disability's. However, I don't think you should vote if you don't know enough about the election, or what's going on.Everyone has a right to vote due to the Bill of Rights and the U.S Constitution. However in order to vote you do have to be a U.S citizen. A voter I.D should be necessary because of voter fraud.

0 points

I think the reconstruction was a success with some struggles, we became a better country, it helped us get out of debt after the war was over so we wouldn't go completely bankrupt.It helped us to be able to start trading again, and trying to say that we don't support slavery.Some issues may have been impeachment of Andrew Jackson and Lincoln was assassinated which both caused problems politically.However overall, I think we succeeded in Reconstruction and in reuniting the country.

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