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This personal waterfall shows you all of Devin's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

And then they decided to say that moonshine has vitamins. It does, but it's still homemade and it is dangerous.

2 points

And moonshiners! They saw a profit and reached to seize the opportunity. They would do anything to turn a profit. Anything morally wrong is now right for them!

1 point

They did this to help the children of alcoholics and to attempt to eliminate drinking crimes.

2 points

Prohibition is a temporary thing to help give the government face. That way they can say, "oh, we did that, uh-huh, yep, no doubt about it, we have control." The junk always comes back stronger. The drug trade has its own economy, the more it is prevented, the more demand there is, and the less supply. This makes it extremely valuable.

1 point

Prohibition creates a danger effect, making people want to do it because it is a no. So reverse psychology shows that people will naturally do it to fight back.

1 point

I think that people are too literal with their promises. Think about it, what promises, within reason, has he not kept? What promises did he make that he didn't keep that were within his power?

1 point

Leif Ericksson was a person that discovered America supposedly. Some people say Amerigo Vespucci did as well though! I think that people had kept America a secret for as long as they could. Perhaps to better their own standing?

1 point

But people say that he is the cause of disease in America! He also brought greed and less peace with nature. He is also the cause of much bad blood between America and Native Americans in the future!

1 point

Power does funny things to people. And people do funny things to power! Hitler, for example, he was a bit messed up in the head, but he convinced many people to their deaths in WWII.

1 point

Trains took quite a while to catch on. But when they did they became a very useful method of transport. They took a while to replace horses. But horses are easier to grow. They are also easier to maintain!

1 point

Cannibalism is generally frowned upon in society. But they survived. It's not like they murdered each other but they ate their dead. I guess it saves the trouble of burying them!

1 point

Communism is a good system for equality. But it doesn't allow for progression or the pursuit of money. I personally don't believe in communism as that means that sometimes dictators are taking all the excess.

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