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Cuaroc's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cuaroc's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

The government should regulate the internet to prevent hackers but other then that should leave it alone.

1 point

Ah yes forgot DV happy class.

1 point

Why must these debates fill up the argument waterfall.

1 point

Or they can't afford it ?

If the voter I.D law is passed the I.D's would be given out free.

1 point

because they can't afford it

If the voter I.D law got passed the I.D's would be free

1 point

Voter I.Dis a good idea it prevents Fraud and if the government gives them out for free more people will be able to vote that otherwise could not have.

1 point

All voter I.D is doing is making it so someone can't pretend to be someone else and alter votes

0 points

I'm guessing you the class bully?

2 points

Come on more down votes keep proving me right.

2 points

ooh what you gonna do?

0 points

i don't like you either.

Results Per Page: [12] [24] [48] [96]