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Clozano's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Clozano's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

i think it did work. i believe that the iraq reconstruction worked. i think it worked beacuse of how the buisnesses were helped out and how we gave them things not everybody had. For example we gave alot more electricity and cleaner water and so they could use the water... toilets.

0 points

i see the reconstruction because they stopped slavery and the rebuilt the south economy to even better than before and we helped alot of businesses.

1 point

I think that the voter Id's should be canceled. I think this because they can cause more problems than they can solve. Their are cases that show that they are expensive. what i see happening with that is if you have money then it would be very easy for your to just buy Id's multiple times and continue to vote.

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