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Chaz549's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Chaz549's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

prems right, we should be more cautious on what we look up

1 point

i gree with cole because i like my privacy to be kept private

1 point

i agree with abbs because it would give the government alot of extra power that should be equally given to the states.

1 point

Ryan has a great point because hackers are a big threat to our nation.

1 point

But there are multi Billion dollar industries that revolve around "naughty" web-sites.

so if that is deleted so are thousands of peoples jobs.

1 point

the government should regulate the internet at the extent of seeing what people do at their homes, not many people want old men looking at you through your web cam. I think they should track certain words so they can figure out what people are up to. they should also delete blue-prints to military weapons so the enemy countries dont copie us.

1 point

If I was an Anti-federalist I would have passed the Constitution because it helps make America fair and it gives equal rights to everyone and keep a strong government. The Federal and state governments have to balance the power between them so that one person or branch doesn't have too much power.

1 point

If I was an anti federalist I would have passed the Constitution because it helps make America fair and it gives equal rights to everyone and keep a strong government. The fed. and state governments have to balance the power between them so that one person or branch doesn't have too much power.

2 points

i dont like you....this is a class..... i think

time to go now ttyl

plz go now

this is call of duty time

2 points

I think the colonists should pass/ratify the constitution because, three branshes of a centralized government.

judicial=interprates laws

executive=passes laws

legislative=enforces the law

1 point

I think the constitution was not a good idea for the anti feds to pass because it gave more power to a centralized gov. and not to the states government

1 point

if i was an anti fed i wouldnt want that because it gives to much power to a centralized government

1 point

The president should have the power to veto everything he wants, it should be a little more like congress

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