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Andrew's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Andrew's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

but the numbers for voter fraud aren't near significant enough to create an actual arguement. and maybe they don't want photo ID. ain't nobody got time fo dat

0 points

i think you're contradicting yourself too much. make up your mind big daddy bermke.

1 point

I don't think we really need the Voter ID laws. After investigation, there were only 86 frauds out of 196 million voters.

1 point

I think the south reconstruction was a success. There was land given to slaves, which helped them to start a new life, there were new laws giving blacks more equal rights, and the south was physically rebuilt.

I think the Iraq reconstruction is also a success because we are giving them all of the essentials needed to run a country and keep it under control. They are building infrastructure and government facilities that will help maintain a stable environment.

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