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1God_1leader's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 1God_1leader's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Reconstruction was both a success and a failure because the reult keeps changing all the time because we are constantly doing some sort of reconstruction.

1 point

What really confuses me is why they destroyed everything just to rebuild or reconstruct it. It happened both in the South in the U.S., and also in Iraq. I also believe they are still working on reconstruction to this day. For example, During President Obama's four years of office, he did what he could to end the war in Iraq, and now we are trying to clean it up. I believe that this also connects to politics when it comes to cleaning up or "reconstructing" these prolems. The president has to clean up the screw-up that the last president made, but when it comes to that, I think most people think that it's supposed to happen overnight, but it takes longer than that. but however, thats running just a little off topic. Other reasons why I believe the reconstruction was a success and a failure, because I believe the result is changing all the time, because we are doing some sort of reconstruction everyday.

1 point

I think Reconstruction after the Civial War was both a success and a failure. I think it was a success because for the most part, the North did whatever they could to end slavery, but I believe it didn't work because the South is finding some way around the U.S. Constitution and still holding slaves in certain areas, and this is where the failure comes in.

1 point

Fact: The GOP’s voter suppression law was intended to work – by not working.

Fact: The voter suppressionn law was founded on a fundamental lie.

Opinion: I think that we should have voter I.D. laws, but I also think we shouldn't have them and heres why:

Why we should have them: I think we should have voter suppression laws because there is a pretty good chance that if somebody voted every single day of their life, it could greatly throw off the polls and be in favor of 1 candidate or the other.

Why we shouldn't have them: I don't think we should have voter suppression laws because they would suppresss some people from voting because not everybody in the world has an I.D., and many possibly can't even afford one with the way that the economy is, but then again...who knows.

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