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This personal waterfall shows you all of Jlentz's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Computers help us in so many ways today. I highly doubt anyone can despute about this. Finding information, playing games, to see what the wheater is like, or who one the Super Bowl. So this is only one fraction of what is in store for America.

1 point

World War 1 had to be very difficult as a mother and as a wife. Taking care of your child, doing chores, getting food, going to work at your job, etc. The hardest part though is to know if he is still alive or not.

1 point

Yes, your reasoning sounds right, but give examples to prove you are right

1 point

The today show, with John Stewart, was hilarious! Making fun of fox nation. Man, fox needs to get there act together! We talked about main topics with him, but in a fun way.

1 point

Why should we show how powerful we really are? That is stupid. We should be remembered as a country who gives help, who was kind and nice to our neighbors, and we never give up goals and dreams.

1 point

Yeah, especially if we were involved in the revolutionary war, Great Britain would try to gain some of their land back.

1 point

Yeah, that was a difficult war for us.

1 point

That map project was fun. For Westward Migration, we colored a map. The fun part was that we got to tear the map apart.

1 point

To be honest I don't know, but for whatever the reasoning- probably got made at someone for killing one of their allies.

1 point

That was rediculuos how that NBA lockout handled matters from NBA players, you know, "This player can't go here due that...." We learned this from current events.

1 point

The real sucky part of entering the panama canal was how big the ships had to be. Come all the way to this canal, and you find out your ship is to big, ouch! There goes your raise for your job in the bottom of the sea.

1 point

We would not take it slowly for many reasons. The biggest one being that a more dominant country or nation, would come and take it over. Yes people lied about having a better future if you move west, but it was the right call. If we moved west later on, we would probably see France, Germans, who's knows who, and that would start another epic war that would affect america greatly.

1 point

Current Events is fun, especially for extra points! You get to learn lots of things, some of which cannot be explained on here. But an example was that orangutan that stop smoking after so many years. That's why computers help, to find information faster, to express yourself clearly, and simply its the way of the future.

1 point

The Panama Canal helped us gain money for our country. If it were not for that canal, traveling across the globe would be harder than ever, we wouldn't have a better protection of enemies if they came to Mexico, and would not gain money.

1 point

What do you mean we? Did we actually get involved into this or was it the army? You see when the very first settlers came they were not imperalistic. They tried to escape there hard life of where they used to live. We treated the indians fairly and they treated us, in return, fairley. So actually no, our army was not imperalistic, UNTIL we started to get into the progressive era.

1 point

The Lewis and Clark Expedition, or "Corps of Discovery Expedition" (1804–1806) was the first transcontinental expedition to the Pacific Coast by the United States. Commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson and led by two Virginia-born veterans of Indian wars in the Ohio Valley, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, the expedition had several goals. Their objects were both scientific and commercial – to study the area's plants, animal life, and geography, and to discover how the region could be exploited economically.

- from

1 point

Yes you are right, but yet wrong friend. If it wasn't for the certain, key wars, we wouldn't be here today with this advanced technology. Those wars that we lost, helped us to strenghten our armies and citizens to become more involved in the wars, to defend our country. So yes, stupid but also smart ideas they did.

1 point

Thank you! Lots of people got tricked as well to. I mean, look at all those signs that told future lies down the trial, to be exact- the Oregon Trail. People died in the desert from heat and really cold temperatures at night. That had to suck for them.

1 point

The Westward Migration helped our country with the Economy and to move west to journey and explore more land which we can call home.

1 point

I don't know where this statement lyes, but TAX THE MILLIONARES! It's not that hard, they barely pay taxes and its hard enough paying taxes pretty much to them. Who gave them responsibility. If we collect the taxes from the billionares, that would probably be close to the U.S deficet. Why should we be aiding them, people are homeless because of them. Seriously!

1 point

Dude, I totally agree with that statement. Jon Bon Jovi Rocks! We all want to change so fast, but were still in this same era. You know people these days are building flying cars, ipods, 3D-Plasm Screen TV's, etc. But, we aren't losing key traditions, and knocking down old buildings to put really shnazy complexes up. We are actually moving backwards. People are now homeless on the streets, making less money, lossing jobs, moving, can't afford special needs for themselves, and gifts for parties. So even though people say and know we all are making progresses to move forward, we are still falling behind the 8 ball.

2 points

I feel that we also, as a working mother, need to moe forward. We can't just stay in the past. I can just see the bright and hopefull future for us. Better equipment, working wages, homes, communication, transportation, you name it. The end of this broken road will one day be rebuild and restored. But there will still be conflict within our exsistance. We have to look for better alternitives and see the otherside of the world. If not, its ok. We all have to die at some point. I also will say that we have made it far enough to make a living and go against the odds of the business owners. We try, and yet fail each and everyday. Most days though, we fight for our lives. If we didn't fight for ourselves in this life, then why are we still here? People, we have to look into our faith, hopes, dreams, and lives. Take away the bad and conclude the good we all have done. Let's help each other so we can be a better world.

1 point

NO,NO, NO,NO, AND NO! WHY THE PINKERTONS! That's like saying that the U.S. NAVY men are going to stand their in the crowd, and tell us what to do and how to live. The are not God, and Moses for pete's sake. We have voices, rights, and thoughts. If the business men think they're going to win, they won't win without a fight from us! I am a working mother of 12 may I remind you.

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