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This personal waterfall shows you all of J_Austin1432's arguments, looking across every debate.

My "Uncle" was there and was there for about 2 or 3 years and he just got taken out. And I thank Obama for it. But There could be some complications of taking them all out right away.

Legalizing it would cause more problems. There are already enough teens using illegaly. And if it where legalised there would be 10x more problems with keeping teens in control.

Presidants before him were taking a lot of money too. Who knows the next Presidant could take 10x the amount any President has. We won't know until it happens.

I agree! Because Obama is doing some good. He took the military out of Iraq! He has made some good desictions. The next President could take many things away from. We don't know, but it could be possible. I personaly think that the Presidants that we are getting now on these days, are making more of the bad decitions. All the ones that are reconized more are from along time ago. Not now.

People need to stop and think that most things they do can hurt the animals. And doing it once can cause the person to do it more and more. Being that, it becomes a bad habit of theirs!

Yea! Exactly! Animals are people, if you abuse an animal or even a person you just doing to try and bring yourself up. But it doesn't work! You just putting in people's eyes that your a bad person. And don't deserve to have animals or children for that matter.

I think that someone that gets out of jail should have the same rights as someone who didn't because they should have a chance to redem themselves. But if they screw up again, they just proved that they can't be trusted with certain things.

I agree! Because legalizing it will make more people think it's ohk to do a drug. And more teens may die from it.

For some kids it might be our problem because it may affect our parnets jobs and make it harder to take care of us. It was the same with my step-mom because she is technically a teacher, and her pay got cut down too. I don't like to disscus it but it effects a lot of kids lives too.

I guess I kind of agree with that. But I have seen a lot more then just teahers lood=sing their jobs.

I believe that the government should pay of the debt we are in. Because, it doesn't help the U.S. to be in such a big debt.

All this is happening right now. They let the murderers out, and they do it again. I also think that some of our rights should be limited down. Because in other counrties murder doesn't happen that much because they don't have as many right as us. So I think e shoul do the same.

Animal cruelty is a bad habit for some people. It goes on even if it's illegal. And over working an animal is also abuse, neglect, or crulety. Most people think of animals as tools, made for human's to use for work they are to lazy to do. This goes on around the world! In sme countries it is alowd, along with practices or religons.

Turkey's, duck's, and many other birds are abuse too. Even though it may seem like it they are. In the hatcheries that a lot hatch in. They are not treated like they should. They don't get the heat they need and are put in too small of cages. They don't get fresh bedding or food or water. So they get sick easier. And many of them are not treated and suffer, til they die.

I think soda's should not be made from caffine anymore, because caffine is an actual drug. And people can also get diabetise from it. It can also be adicting too.

People around the world today are still doing dog meat trades. Even though it's illegal. I think the penalty should be execution. Because, animals should have more rights. They can be just as equal as people and eating dogs, cats, horses, and cows isn't right.

Animals around the world are kicked on the streets constently. I think that if people don't want an animal they shouldn't get one in the first place. And if they can't take care of it, they should give it to a humaine society.

Scott Walker isn't even doing anything for cities. Obama is doing way more to help us. He isn't making people loose his jobs from his disitions.

I think people in the government should come up with better punishments for people who abuse children. Because, most of them if they get a fine, or come out of their jail time. They do it anyways. And there are different kinds of abuse too.

I think that we should get ride of Scott Walker because he has no clue what he is talking about. And doesn't know what he is doing to families. A lot of them are loosing their jobs because of him. Or quiting them because they may not get enough money to take care of their family. I say this because my dad had to quit his job that he had been working in for 31 years, because his pay was getting cut. He found a new job, but it is hard to do things that we would like to do more.

I think instead of saving animals from their abusers that they should get charged with a fine and loose all rights to have animals, with them in their home. Also to try harder to stop illegal animal fights. I say this because even though they get slapped with a big fine, they still go and do it anyways. And even though they may have animals, this may lead to child abuse, and abuse of their spouses. But in some cases they will have to go to jail.

I don't think that criminals shouldn't be let out of jail. Even though we have no more room. We could let out the lower class one's, and not the big time crime one's. Because the jails are actually letting out murderer's, and more. So the government should use more money to make more jails, or stop putting the people in jail that have done bigger crimes then them.

I agree that it would help the economy with money. But to many people would abuse it. And then that would just cause a bigger problem. So I disagree because people would abuse it too much, weed isn't always really good just because it came from the earth s a plant too. But I also agree because the economy would gain more money from it.

Supporting Evidence: Turns out weed is bad for you! (
-1 points

Liberal, because we would do more reasearch to find new energy sources and save what we have. ALso to promote peace and human rights. It also supports legal immagration!

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